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Subscriber-only feature

Bulk prices are only available to subscribers.

Check your available maps, and buy more when you are running low.

Select a theme for your map. You may Edit the themes and create more.

No more themes available

If you need more themes you may upgrade your subscription.

Select the size of the map, in mm (- mm) or inches (-").

x 250

Select the location, date, and time from which you want a map to be seen.

The PREVIEW lets you download a full-size high-res watermarked map. Once everything is correct click CREATE to make the map. If you have no available maps you will be prompted to pay for one.

Download the final map. It may open in a new tab. Choose "Save as" from the browser menu, save it locally, and use it in your product.

Preview ready

Create a final version of this map?

The Theme Lab, accessed with the New Theme button, lets you design the appearance of your maps. Start with a name for the theme.

Next, design your theme: the colors of the celestial bodies, the labels (font and colors), the constelation lines, and the grid.

The preview is a portion of a generic map created with your theme. The background is not part of the design (all the maps have transparent backgrounds), but it helps with visualization.

Background for preview

The proof is a watermark-free full size map, made according to your theme. It will allow you to make sample products and take photos without spending maps.

We SAVE the design to go back to the Map Lab, the map creation tool.

Discard your changes?

Create a proof map

A generic map made to the exact especification of your theme and without watermark. It will allow you to make product samples.

x 250

Proof ready

Pause your subscription?

You will be able to come back in the future. We'll save your themes.

This will close your account

Your subscription will terminate now. Your themes and remaining maps will be lost.


Payment successful

Welcome to The Star Maps